She was married, a mother of two, and working in a job that she loved. She owned a beautiful home, her dream car, and even a boat. Her friends and coworkers loved her for her outgoing personality and her cheerfulness.
When she started staying in bed until late afternoon her family figured that it was due to her busy schedule. After all, she seemed fine. She had everything she ever wanted in life. Then why did she feel awful inside? All she wanted to do was sleep and cry.
Every day was an effort to put on a happy face. When her coworkers thought she was concentrating on her work, she was really dreaming of ways of ending her life. Was she so weak that she couldn’t make herself feel better? What kind of person was she? Nobody, she believed, would understand her, so she didn’t say a word.
Source: AMIQuébec
8 % of men and 20 % of women will have clinical depression at some point in their life. The average length of a first episode is 9 months if left untreated. Psychotherapy and medication are both effective treatments; the most effective is when there is a combination of the two.
Once depression is recognized, help can make a difference for 80% of people who are affected, allowing them to get back to their regular activities. – CMHA
- symptoms last 2 weeks or more
- sleep disturbances (too much or too little)
- changes in eating habits (weight loss or gain)
- loss of pleasure (in things that were previously pleasurable)
- anxiety, hopelessness
- negative thinking about oneself (e.g. I can’t do anything right. I’m not a good person)
Symptom that describes an inability to feel pleasure.
A milder, but chronic (long term) form of depression.
Certain clinics do accept clients that are not registered or do not have a family doctor. To find a clinic near you, click here.
Mental Health Estrie offers support groups for family and friends who have a loved one coping with a mental illness. For more information, click here.
Mental Health Estrie offers support groups for individuals coping with a lived experience of mental illness. For more information, click here.
Organizations and Resources Available
The following is a list of mental health resources in and outside of the Estrie region. Please call ahead to confirm the availability of bilingual services.
Our recommended websites
List of community organizations provided by the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS : Click here