Our Services
Help for Families and Individuals affected by mental illness
You are not alone in your experience.
Support Groups & Education
Our support groups are offered in a confidential setting for families and friends or for individuals living with mental illness. Support groups bring together people facing similar challenges. Members often share experiences, knowledge and advice. It can be helpful to know that you are not alone in your experience.
Support Groups
- for families and friends: meeting every 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
- for individuals coping with mental illness: meeting every Monday afternoon 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Sharing your story is both beneficial for you, as well as other group members. We encourage participants to talk about themselves, to listen to each other and to offer support to one another.
Support groups provide the opportunity for people who live with a mental disorder, or their family and friends:
- to alleviate their feeling of isolation;
- to express their worries / concerns / anxiety;
- to support co-operation and to encourage the sharing of experiences amongst themselves and other participants;
- to provide mutual support on all levels;
- to help themselves and others understand and access resources in the area.
An additional objective, specific to support groups for people living with mental illness themselves is to reinforce the capacity of the participants:
- in creating or reinforcing relationships with others;
- in developing new types of social activities.
Services available to the General Public
- Public awareness (information sessions/ educational events)
- Lending library of books, magazines, and DVDs pertaining to mental health
- Free literature (pamphlets and brochures)
- Information kiosks at public events
- promoting and participating in AMIQuébec distance services
Information Sessions
Telephone Assistance And Referral In Finding Services
We can help you find the best services available for you and your loved one.
Lending Library of Books & Videos
A variety of books, DVDs, and brochures covering topics such as: Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, ADHD/Autism/Childhood disorders, Personality Disorders, Eating Disorders, and Caregiver Information.
- Up-to-date information
- Books of personal accounts
- Books by professionals, psychologists and doctors
- Videos
Email us for more details on the resources available.
AMI Québec Distance Services
Mental Health Estrie is proud to promote and support the mental health distance education programs of AMI Québec. Enjoy presentations on a variety of mental health topics, brought to you by professionals, such as Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Social Workers. Presentations are in English, free, and interactive so you can ask questions.
For a list of upcoming workshops and past recordings click here here
AMI Québec YouTube Channel: Visit AMI Québec’s YouTube channel here for additional information and videos, including a video series on “Navigating the Québec Healthcare System.”